Highly Successful People Who Have Been Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder | Part 2: Famous Actors and Actresses

| Bipolar Disorder |

Highly Successful People Who Have Been Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder | Part 2: Famous Actors and Actresses

This series is a celebration of successful people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder at some point in their lives, but they refused to let it stop them. When people think bipolar, they think of creative types like artists, musicians, writers, and movie stars. While some of those are on the schedule for this series, we can't forget about other professions, such as doctors, government officials, and successful business people. The truth is, being diagnosed with bipolar disorder or any other mental illness may be life-changing, but it doesn't mean success is out of reach.

Part 2: Famous Actors and Actresses

  1. Mel Gibson
  2. Richard Dreyfuss
  3. Linda Hamilton
  4. Russell Brand
  5. Patty Duke
  6. Jean-Claude Van Damme
  7. Catherine Zeta-Jones
  8. Ben Stiller

film set

#1 Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson first spoke of his bipolar diagnosis in 2008. During a documentary titled "Acting Class of 1977", he mentioned he had just been diagnosed with manic depression, now days referred to as bipolar disorder. He was quoted as saying, "I had really good highs, but some very low lows." I think we can all relate to that statement to a certain extent. His diagnosis not only didn't stop him, it never slowed him down a bit.

#2 Richard Dreyfuss

In 2006 Richard first spoke of his bipolar diagnosis publicly. Since then, he has continued to share his story to help others. He believes that telling his story helps remove the stigma and that it shouldn't be something to hide. I tend to agree with him. I think the more we talk about it, the more we can heal and help others. Richard, being an Academy Award winner, definitely has a wide reach and is using it for good.

#3 Linda Hamilton

Linda is most well-known for her role in Terminator. Playing the part of a tough woman character came naturally to her because she was just as tough in real life. She lived most of her life with undiagnosed bipolar disorder but finally sought out help to become a better mother to her children and an all-around person. During one interview with Oprah, she claimed that once her bipolar disorder was under control, "Every day's a good day."

#4 Russell Brand

Russell Brand is a well-known Hollywood figure. He has had success in everything from movies like Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Despicable Me, all the way to stand-up comedy and host of some popular shows. Russell was diagnosed with bipolar as a youth, and while he may have had some rocky years and difficult times, he still manages to come out on top and live life to the fullest. He's a true testament to hard work and never giving up.

#5 Patty Duke

In 1982 Patty was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Most people know her from The Patty Duke Show, which was an extremely popular show during its time. She also won an Academy Award for playing the role of Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker. After her diagnosis, she devoted most of her energy to educating the public on mental issues and even lobbied Congress for funding and research to support the cause. She also authored two autobiographies detailing her illness. She passed away in 2016 from sepsis at 69 years old, but her impact on mental health initiatives will forever be remembered.

karate kick

#6 Jean-Claude Van Damme

Van Damme is best known for his role in martial arts movies. As a Belgian-born actor, he began karate at 10yrs old and earned his black belt at 18. Bloodsport came out in 1988 and was the breakthrough movie that made him an instant star. He was known to have his bouts with drugs and mood swings, but it wasn't until 2011 that he mentioned taking medication to keep him balanced.

#7 Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine is a force to be reckoned with on both the stage and the big screen. She's been nominated for several Golden Globes and won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in Chicago. In 2000, she married Michael Douglas. It wasn't until his battle with tongue cancer that stress pushed her to the point of depression and a bipolar disorder diagnosis.

#8 Ben Stiller

Ben is not the most vocal actor about bipolar disorder, but he's quoted as saying, "I've got a rich history of bipolar manic depression in my family." Both his parents are said to have battled depression most of their lives. Ben admits to not always being an easygoing guy and has had several occasional outbursts on movie sets which he attributes to being bipolar. The main thing is recognizing it, and then growing from it. You don't get to where he is by giving up. You have to keep pushing forward.

Acting is a profession most people look up to and admire in today's culture. It's easy for us who have bipolar disorder to "act" like we're fine, even when we're not. You have to surround yourself with people who love and care for you. Friends, family, or church small groups are great sources of support. The key is to never give up, and who knows, you might just be the next big movie star!

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